A PhD Bourse by the Italian Space Agency for Space International history
As part of the national doctorate in Space Science and Technology[Announcement of selection | UniTrento (unitn.it)], coordinated by the University of Trento, the Italian Space Agency finances a PhD scholarship dedicated to International History (SPS06) in curriculum 7 Law, Economy and Space Diplomacy: “Back to the future. A transdisciplinary pilot PhD Program of Space Diplomacy analyst for ASI, from the operational history to the preservation and dissemination of Archives”.
The research develops starting from the ASI Archives. Some case studies will be selected in agreement with the Agency on the role of Italy in space diplomacy to be analyzed in light of the evolution of Italian foreign policy, and with the use of French, English, German and American archive sources thanks to contacts with the respective national space agencies. Details are on the page Details about funded positions - 40th Cycle - Curriculum 7 | Space Science and Technology - SST (unitn.it).
Expires July 23th
Back to the future. A transdisciplinary pilot PhD Program of Space Diplomacy analyst for ASI, from the operational history to the preservation and dissemination of Archives
Funding institution: Italian Space Agency
Doctoral site: University of Padua
Contact: Prof. David Burigana david.burigana@unipd.it
Funds: ASI
Mobility abroad: compulsory, minimum 6 months
Periods in companies/research centers/public administrations: compulsory, minimum 6 months
Tipologia: Formazione
Fonte: D. Burigana
Paese: Brasile, Messico, ITALIA, Svizzera, Spagna, Islanda, Australia, Norvegia, Repubblica Ceca, Costa Rica, India, Kenya, Regno Unito, Danimarca, Cina, Germania, Cile, Sudafrica, Serbia, Francia, Finlandia, Austria, Giappone, Vietnam, Federazione Russa, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Paesi Bassi, Egitto, Argentina, Singapore, Malesia, Lituania, Svezia, Israele, Canada, Corea del Sud, Stati Uniti d'America, Belgio
SSD: 00 - Diplomazia scientifica